Sunday, May 13, 2012

Jaipur - Mobile Tower Radiation - Cancer and illness - Three different societies protest

Dainik Bhaskar - Jaipur - 12-05-12_Pg 2

12th May 2012:  THREE DEAD FROM CANCER - "Is it time to go to Aamir Khan for a solution?"

12th May 2012:  Shalimar Bagh - Several cancer cases and illness


13th May 2012:  
Protest against mobile towers in three different places.

Rajapark colony, Neerman Nagar, Malviya Nagar: People face severe health problems (cancer, headaches, loss of sleep, fatigue, dizziness, tiredness, miscarriages) and protest to remove cell towers

Radiation levels were measured and found to be in danger and caution zones in most places

Dainik Bhaskar 13-05-12Pg1

13th May 2012:
SIX Died from cancer and TEN people fighting with cancer. Miscarriage and other cases reported too in Mohalla Kayamkhaniyan, Jaipur

13th May 2012:
Mohalla Kayamkhaniyan - SIX Died from cancer and TEN people fighting with cancer. Miscarriage and other cases reported too.

Harmada Colony - FIVE people suffering from severe illness (cancer and severe headache and fatigue cases)

Rajapark - ONE women suffering from cancer and illness in EVERY house (severe headaches, loss of sleep, fatigue, dizziness, tiredness)

Rajasthan-Patrika-Jaipur-13-05-12_2Pg 2

Mobile Tower Radiation Hazards and Solutions Proposed to Government - May 2012.

Mobile Tower Radiation Hazards and Solutions Proposed to Government.

Following presentation was made to Shri Milind Deora, honorable Minister of State for IT and Communication and Department of Telecommunications (DOT), India on 1 May 2012 in Delhi

Prof. Girish Kumar from IIT Bombay has written down some simple solutions to reduce radiation hazard from cell phones.

Step 1 - Convince the operators to reduce the transmitted power from current 20W/carrier to max. 1 to 2 W especially in the dense urban area.

It is very simple to implement - all they have to do is to remove the power amplifier or reduce the gain of the amplifier.

Lots of other benefits of reducing the power - cooling of the amplifier will not be required, then it may not require Air conditioner. Total power requirement will be reduced, so Diesel Generator is not required and solar panel can meet this requirement. Operators can claim carbon
credit and it truely leads to Green Telecom. You can see the attached TRAI-Green-Telecom-openho use-GKreport.pdf

Disadvantage of reducing the power - range will reduce. So people living at larger distance may have signal problem initially.
Operators have to install more number of towers or they can provide low power repeaters/boosters/signal enhancers, which will cost them more money.

Step 2 - Radiation measurements have to be done at residences, offices,schools, hospitals. If the power density level is still high (i.e,more than 0.1 to 1 milliwatts/sq.m after reduction of the transmitted power, then either towers have to be relocated or height of the towers has to be increased or direction of the antenna has to be hanged. Again, any of these steps will require additional investment.

People have to decide
1. Health versus wealth.
2. Good cell phone connectivity at the expense of health of people living near cell tower or somewhat poor connectivity for the people living at larger distance from the tower.

Mobile Tower Radiation Danger and Solutions Proposed to Government - Prof. Girish Kumar - May 2012

Friday, May 11, 2012

Cell Tower Radiation - Citizens Speak Up

Video prepared by students of IIT Bombay - PAF Team

Several hundreds of people living near mobile towers are suffering from headaches, sleep disturbance, miscarriages and even cancer etc. The problem is that the Indian governement has ADOPTED THE WORST RADIATION NORMS in the world and something should be done before it is too late! There are enough evidence evidence to see the causal link and solutions have been suggested to the government and industry. However, everyone is trying to blame one another and ignoring the solutions and avoiding responsibility. Please go through the presentation for info:

Mobile Tower Radiation Threat: Six Cancer cases in Shalimar Colony,Jaipur

May 11, 2012: SIX CANCER CASES; Three died in Shalimar Colony in Jaipur Five months ago SEVEN cancer cases reported in C-Scheme near mobile towers in Jaipur. EMF levels were very high at all these places. The question is - When will this end? or is this just the beginning?