Monday, March 12, 2012

THE LETHAL NETWORK - Times of India: Kolkata, India

Times of India: Kolkata, March 12, 2012: Pg 2

More cases where people people living near mobile towers are reporting health problems like nagging, headaches,dizziness, tiredness etc.

Cell Tower Radiation: Kolkata - The Lethal Netwrok - Times of India Pg 2


  1. Hello Neha,

    I am Ann and I am from Kerala. Could you help me by telling me who is the point to contact to report about and get radiation level safety checked? We have two cell towers close by behind our house.

    Your reply will me much appreciated!
    Thank you!

    1. Dear Ann,

      I tried sending you an e-mail at - however it bounced back. Do you have an alternate email id?

      TRAI (Telecom Regulatory Authority of India) is the official body to measure the levels. However their standard for measurement are ICNIRP 1998 which are outdated and inadequate to safeguard human health.

      We have come up with a Cell Tower Radiation Detector, Detex 189 which is based on Bioinititave Report (2007) health recommendations and check yourself. You can see details at:

      With regards,
      Neha Kumar

  2. hello i m a blogger but last day i see your blog is so simple and nice my blog is can you share me a blogging think my id is skyinearth@GMAIL.COM

  3. Hi Neha,

    There's a cell tower located just beside our house in Kolkata, so I was curious to know if the radiation from the tower will affect us? Got to know about the Detex 189 as a measurement device for radiation but is that avaiable in Kolkata.Please do let me know the details in my mail

  4. Great blog to read. Thanks a lot for sharing.
