(Reposting as the previous post from 2013 was anonymously deleted)
Dear All,
I have been working on Cell Tower Radiation awareness for the past 3.5 years along with my father Prof. Girish Kumar from IIT Bombay. We have been studying the effects of cell tower radiation on humans and environment and have prepared several reports and submitted the same to DOT and several officials. My work can be seen at: http://neha-wilcom.blogspot.in/ . I also have a company NESA Radiation Solutions Pvt. Ltd. through which we have carried out radiation measurements for people in residences and offices and have seen a strong correlation between high radiation levels and health problems.
Recently Government has started carrying out radiation measurements for residents through Telecom Enforcement, Resource and Monitoring (TERM) Cells/ Telecommunications Consultants India Ltd (TCIL). However everywhere they measure, the readings indicate that levels are 'within the norms'. This has led to major confusion among common people.
I have attached a report prepared by industry/their associates for a building in Thane,Mumbai
Please note, government of India has adopted a very high radiation norm and what is safe from health point of view is much lower. Operators are within the norm so they continue saying that they are within safe guidelines.
Efforts should be to convince the government to adopt better radiation norms:
Interpretation of the readings:
9.2W/sq.m=9200 mW/sq.m - ICNIRP Guideline1998 for GSM 1800 - The Department of Telecommunications, India adopted this norm in 2008
0.92W/sq.m=920 mW/sq.m - 1/10th of ICNIRP - The Department of Telecommunications, India adopted this norm from 1 Sept 2012
0.0001W/sq.m=0.1 mW/sq.m - Safe from health point of view [According to Bioinitiative Report 2007 and recommendations of Antenna Lab, IIT Bombay]
0.185W/sq.m (-02dBm)= 185mW/sq.m - Maximum Reading Measured in this building [Flat No.1002 - Bedroom] - (which is within the government norm hence operators have said that the levels are within guideline) This reading is very high from health point of view. People have been complaining of health problems like sleep disturbance, headaches, concentration problems, joint pains even above 0.001W/sq.m.= 1 mW/sq.m= Above 0.01W/sq.m = 10 mW/sq.m, severe health problems and cancer cases have also been reported in few years.
ICNIRP Guidelines are meant for short term exposure and not for long term exposure. In fact, the short term exposure guideline is only for 6 minutes/day.
By extrapolation, 1/10 of ICNIRP is valid only for 6x10 = 60 min = 1 hour per day. People living close to cell tower radiation are exposed to radiation 24x7.
Please go through the report: Guideline-Austrian-Medical-Assoc-EMF-syndrome.pdf - http://www.scribd.com/doc/87308119
Page 9 mentions that greater than 1 mW/sq.m is very far above normal.
According to Prof. Girish Kumar's report - http://www.scribd.com/doc/132189401, greater than 1 mW/sq.m over a few years of exposure leads to health problems.
If you have any queries, please feel free to contact me.
With regards,
Neha Kumar
Email - nesaglobal@gmail.com, info@nesa.co.in
Share it with your known people: http://www.scribd.com/doc/132767135/Interpretation-of-Cell-Tower-Readings-Measured-by-TERM-Cell-TCIL-vs-Safe-level-for-Health
Saturday, October 28, 2017
Wednesday, December 30, 2015
New study links cell phone tower radiation to diabetes
New study links cell phone tower radiation to diabetes

RIYADH: A renowned professor of King Saud University (KSU) here has warned of radiation danger from cell phone towers, saying that the radiation emissions from towers can cause many health hazards because of their dense installations and unscientific proliferation.
In a new study, Prof. Sultan Ayoub Meo, a professor at KSU’s College of Medicine, has for the first time proved that the radiation from towers also causes diabetes mellitus.
Sultan, whose research findings on radiation from mobile phone base station towers (MPBST) has been published in the “International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health”, a reputable Swiss science journal, said that “this is the first study added in the global science literature about radiation and its link with type 2 diabetes mellitus.”
The study is based on the effects of Radiofrequency Electromagnetic Filed Radiation (RF-EMFR) generated by MPBSTs on hemoglobin.
Sultan’s new study has also raised a question mark over the safety of cell phone towers in Saudi Arabia and the Middle East countries. It is interesting to note here that the use of mobile phones has markedly increased among both gender and all age groups in the Kingdom and across the world during the last two decades. He said that “there are about 7.3 billion mobile subscriptions worldwide, and this figure is more than the world’s population.” Spelling out the main findings of his study, Sultan told Arab News in an exclusive interview that “radiation generated by mobile phones and their base stations towers ranges between 400 MHz and 3 GHz.”
Mobile phone companies, Sultan said, installed towers in residential and commercial areas including on/near school buildings, which has stirred up widespread public concern about the hazards of RF-EMF radiation.
He also said that the radiation emanating from towers causes many other health hazards like headache, depression, high blood pressure and sleep disorders besides damaging nervous, cardio-vascular as well as reproductive systems.
The KSU professor said that about 382 million people globally are suffering from diabetes mellitus, and this number is expected to surge to 592 million by 2035 as per the data shared by the International Diabetic Federation. “In 2014 alone, a total of 4.9 million people died due to the complications of diabetes mellitus,” said Sultan, adding that this deadly disease took the life of one individual every seven seconds.
In this new research study, which for the first time discovered the link between cell tower radiation and diabetes; Sultan and his colleagues selected two different elementary schools in Riyadh region.
The team led by Sultan selected 159 apparently healthy students (96 from one school and 63 from another school) of the same age, gender, nationality, regional, cultural and socio-economic status.
Blood samples were collected from all the students and the HbA1c was analyzed. The team found that the students, who were exposed to high RF-EMF generated by MPBS had significantly higher HbA1c than the students who were exposed to low RF-EMF.

RIYADH: A renowned professor of King Saud University (KSU) here has warned of radiation danger from cell phone towers, saying that the radiation emissions from towers can cause many health hazards because of their dense installations and unscientific proliferation.
In a new study, Prof. Sultan Ayoub Meo, a professor at KSU’s College of Medicine, has for the first time proved that the radiation from towers also causes diabetes mellitus.
Sultan, whose research findings on radiation from mobile phone base station towers (MPBST) has been published in the “International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health”, a reputable Swiss science journal, said that “this is the first study added in the global science literature about radiation and its link with type 2 diabetes mellitus.”
The study is based on the effects of Radiofrequency Electromagnetic Filed Radiation (RF-EMFR) generated by MPBSTs on hemoglobin.
Sultan’s new study has also raised a question mark over the safety of cell phone towers in Saudi Arabia and the Middle East countries. It is interesting to note here that the use of mobile phones has markedly increased among both gender and all age groups in the Kingdom and across the world during the last two decades. He said that “there are about 7.3 billion mobile subscriptions worldwide, and this figure is more than the world’s population.” Spelling out the main findings of his study, Sultan told Arab News in an exclusive interview that “radiation generated by mobile phones and their base stations towers ranges between 400 MHz and 3 GHz.”
Mobile phone companies, Sultan said, installed towers in residential and commercial areas including on/near school buildings, which has stirred up widespread public concern about the hazards of RF-EMF radiation.
He also said that the radiation emanating from towers causes many other health hazards like headache, depression, high blood pressure and sleep disorders besides damaging nervous, cardio-vascular as well as reproductive systems.
The KSU professor said that about 382 million people globally are suffering from diabetes mellitus, and this number is expected to surge to 592 million by 2035 as per the data shared by the International Diabetic Federation. “In 2014 alone, a total of 4.9 million people died due to the complications of diabetes mellitus,” said Sultan, adding that this deadly disease took the life of one individual every seven seconds.
In this new research study, which for the first time discovered the link between cell tower radiation and diabetes; Sultan and his colleagues selected two different elementary schools in Riyadh region.
The team led by Sultan selected 159 apparently healthy students (96 from one school and 63 from another school) of the same age, gender, nationality, regional, cultural and socio-economic status.
Blood samples were collected from all the students and the HbA1c was analyzed. The team found that the students, who were exposed to high RF-EMF generated by MPBS had significantly higher HbA1c than the students who were exposed to low RF-EMF.
32% Indians suffer miscarriages, finds study; global rate only 10% - Is the increase due to excessive cell tower radiation?
32% Indians suffer miscarriages, finds study; global rate only 10% - Is the increase due to excessive cell tower radiation?
Indian women seem more likely than other ethnicities to miscarry their first pregnancy or suffer recurrent miscarriages, said a new study by a city doctor. The five-city study, which was published in The Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology of India, said 32% of the 2,400-odd participants had suffered spontaneous miscarriage. Miscarriage or spontaneous abortion with out medical means to terminate a pregnancy has so far been presumed to be 10% across the globe.
The study's lead author Dr Ameet Patki said the main finding was that recurrent spontaneous miscarriage was as high as 7.5% among Indian women. His paper said globally, recurrent pregnancy losses were pegged at 0.81.4% of all pregnancies.
“We found the main causes for these repeated miscarriages were genetic, history of infections such as tuberculosis, or structural defects in the women's uterus,“ said Patki. While doctors say it's difficult to pinpoint the exact reasons for frequent miscarriages in many cases, most Indian doctors follow western data and reasons for recurrent miscarriages.
A five-city study, published in The Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology of India highlights that infections are a major contributor for miscarriages in India, said Dr Bharti Seth, a Delhi-based gynaecologist who was part of the study .
Dr Rekha Daver, who heads the gynaecology department of the state government-run JJ Group of Hospitals, said the study's figures seemed a bit high but highlighted an important issue. “ A few decades back, women wouldn't go to the doctor until they spontaneously miscarried three to four times,” said Daver. But in the age of nuclear families, every pregnancy is treated as a precious one. “Pregnancies are planned these days. So, if a woman miscarries the first time, she rushes to a doctor for complete analysis,” said Daver.
Often women could have anatomical problems leading to frequent miscarriages, she said. “While these can be fixed with medical procedures, some miscarry due to hormonal or immunological reasons and need medication,” she added.
Infertility specialist Dr Aniruddha Malpani said: “Spontaneous first trimester miscarriages are common and occur because of random genetic errors in the embryo.
Most women need reassurance that their risk of another miscarriage is very low.” He added that they usually do not need any testing or treatment.
Indian women seem more likely than other ethnicities to miscarry their first pregnancy or suffer recurrent miscarriages, said a new study by a city doctor. The five-city study, which was published in The Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology of India, said 32% of the 2,400-odd participants had suffered spontaneous miscarriage. Miscarriage or spontaneous abortion with out medical means to terminate a pregnancy has so far been presumed to be 10% across the globe.
The study's lead author Dr Ameet Patki said the main finding was that recurrent spontaneous miscarriage was as high as 7.5% among Indian women. His paper said globally, recurrent pregnancy losses were pegged at 0.81.4% of all pregnancies.
“We found the main causes for these repeated miscarriages were genetic, history of infections such as tuberculosis, or structural defects in the women's uterus,“ said Patki. While doctors say it's difficult to pinpoint the exact reasons for frequent miscarriages in many cases, most Indian doctors follow western data and reasons for recurrent miscarriages.
A five-city study, published in The Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology of India highlights that infections are a major contributor for miscarriages in India, said Dr Bharti Seth, a Delhi-based gynaecologist who was part of the study .
Dr Rekha Daver, who heads the gynaecology department of the state government-run JJ Group of Hospitals, said the study's figures seemed a bit high but highlighted an important issue. “ A few decades back, women wouldn't go to the doctor until they spontaneously miscarried three to four times,” said Daver. But in the age of nuclear families, every pregnancy is treated as a precious one. “Pregnancies are planned these days. So, if a woman miscarries the first time, she rushes to a doctor for complete analysis,” said Daver.
Often women could have anatomical problems leading to frequent miscarriages, she said. “While these can be fixed with medical procedures, some miscarry due to hormonal or immunological reasons and need medication,” she added.
Infertility specialist Dr Aniruddha Malpani said: “Spontaneous first trimester miscarriages are common and occur because of random genetic errors in the embryo.
Most women need reassurance that their risk of another miscarriage is very low.” He added that they usually do not need any testing or treatment.
Thursday, December 17, 2015
Radiation Levels in India vs Radiation levels in USA
I checked the coverage at my house for two network providers: 1) T-mobile and 2) Sprint [Please see the pictures carefully]
a) For T-Mobile - I used to get 0 bars in at most of the places in my house and only one bar in one of the rooms
However, If you see T-Mobile coverage for my house, it indicates that my house location falls in the 'Good Signal' range
CONCLUSION and PROOF - Good signal = 0-1 bars for network providers!

b) I recently changed to Sprint to get better coverage and get 1-2 bars now.
Now, If you see the Sprint Map, it indicates that my house location falls in the 'Best Signal' range
CONCLUSION and PROOF - Best signal = 1-2 bars in America!

It's time we in India stop calling 'anything less than full bars on our phone' as a weak signal!
a) For T-Mobile - I used to get 0 bars in at most of the places in my house and only one bar in one of the rooms
However, If you see T-Mobile coverage for my house, it indicates that my house location falls in the 'Good Signal' range
CONCLUSION and PROOF - Good signal = 0-1 bars for network providers!

b) I recently changed to Sprint to get better coverage and get 1-2 bars now.
Now, If you see the Sprint Map, it indicates that my house location falls in the 'Best Signal' range
CONCLUSION and PROOF - Best signal = 1-2 bars in America!

It's time we in India stop calling 'anything less than full bars on our phone' as a weak signal!
Tuesday, May 12, 2015
Hazards of Technology - Cell Phone and Tower Radiation (in Hindi)
Aha Zindagi, Bihar. Magazine of Dainik Bhaskar Group
The following article appeared in Aha Zindagi on 19th April 2015 in Bihar edition.
The author, Arun Lal gives details of the dangers of cell phones and towers on health and environment and the damaging effects it would have in the coming future generations if no precaution is taken immediately.
India has about 0.5 million cell phone towers and about 900 million mobile subscribers. These towers are located in dense areas and hundreds of people are exposed to the radiation effects.
Additionally, the Indian Government guideline is thousands of time higher than what is suggested for continuous safe exposure.
- 0.1 milliWatt/m²= Safe standard as per Bioinitiaitve Report 2007[for Continuous Indoor Exposure]
- 450 milliWatt/m²= 1/10th of ICNIRP - Department of Telecommunications, India adopted this norm from 1 sept 2012. ICNIRP Guidelines are meant for short term exposure and not for long term exposure. Short term exposure guideline is only for 6 minutes/day. People living close to cell tower radiation are exposed to radiation 24x7.
In addition Neha Kumar talks about the hazards of radiation, guidelines and the journey to bring down the radiation norm to 1/10th that is effective since 1st Sept. 2012.
Full PDF is available at: https://www.scribd.com/doc/265106210/Hazards-of-New-Technology-Cell-Tower-Radiation-in-Hindi-Neha-Kumar
The following article appeared in Aha Zindagi on 19th April 2015 in Bihar edition.
The author, Arun Lal gives details of the dangers of cell phones and towers on health and environment and the damaging effects it would have in the coming future generations if no precaution is taken immediately.
India has about 0.5 million cell phone towers and about 900 million mobile subscribers. These towers are located in dense areas and hundreds of people are exposed to the radiation effects.
Additionally, the Indian Government guideline is thousands of time higher than what is suggested for continuous safe exposure.
- 0.1 milliWatt/m²= Safe standard as per Bioinitiaitve Report 2007[for Continuous Indoor Exposure]
- 450 milliWatt/m²= 1/10th of ICNIRP - Department of Telecommunications, India adopted this norm from 1 sept 2012. ICNIRP Guidelines are meant for short term exposure and not for long term exposure. Short term exposure guideline is only for 6 minutes/day. People living close to cell tower radiation are exposed to radiation 24x7.
In addition Neha Kumar talks about the hazards of radiation, guidelines and the journey to bring down the radiation norm to 1/10th that is effective since 1st Sept. 2012.
Full PDF is available at: https://www.scribd.com/doc/265106210/Hazards-of-New-Technology-Cell-Tower-Radiation-in-Hindi-Neha-Kumar
Monday, October 27, 2014
Tune to 92.7 BIG FM Delhi tomorrow (Oct. 28, 2014) to know more on 'Mobile Tower Radiations Hazards and Precautionary Measures'
Monday, September 29, 2014
Cell Phone Radiation leading to PCOS and Miscarriage?
I could not find a direct study that links cell phone radiation to PCOS (Polycystic ovary syndrome) OR PCOD (Polycystic Ovarian Disease). However there are several studies that link:
A. Cell Phone Radiation to Miscarriage
B. PCOS can cause an increased risk of Miscarriage
C. Microwave radiation causes Oxidaive Stress
D. Oxidative Stress leads to PCOS
If you connect the dots there is enough evidence to show that exposure to magnetic fields is not desirable in terms of managing PCOS, nor is it helpful to your future child if you are pregnant.
Research papers:
1. Lifestyle Risk Factors Associated with Threatened Miscarriage: A Case-Control Study
Tan TC1, Neo GH, Malhotra R, Allen JC, Lie D and Østbye T
- They found a positive association of threatened miscarriage with computer usage (>4 hours/day) and mobile-phone usage (>1 hour/day)

It also mentions that:
"The association between a past history of regular menses and lower risk of threatened miscarriage that we found may simply reflect the association of irregular menstrual cycles with underlying infertility or other conditions such as Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome, which confers an increased risk of miscarriage [28,29]".
28. Tulppala M, Stenman UH, Cacciatore B, Ylikorkala O (1993) Polycystic ovaries and levels of gonadotrophins and androgens in recurrent miscarriage: prospective study in 50 women. Br J Obstet Gynaecol 100: 348-352.
29. Sahu B, Oztutrk O, Serhal P, Jayaprakasan K (2010) Do ovarian reserve tests predict miscarriage in women undergoing assisted reproduction treatment? Eur J Obstet Gynecol Reprod Biol 153: 181-184.
Link: http://omicsgroup.org/journals/lifestyle-risk-factors-associated-with-threatened-miscarriage-a-casecontrol-study-jfiv.1000123.pdf
2. 2.45 GHz Microwave Irradiation-Induced Oxidative Stress Affects Implantation or Pregnancy in Mice, Mus musculus
Saba Shahin, Vineet Prakash Singh, Ritesh K. Shukla, Alok Dhawan, Ravi Kumar Gangwar, Surya Pal Singh, Chandra Mohini Chaturvedi
- The findings conclude that a low level of MW irradiation-induced oxidative stress not only suppresses implantation, but it may also lead to deformity of the embryo in case pregnancy continues. The study also suggest that MW radiation-induced oxidative stress by increasing ROS production in the body may lead to DNA strand breakage in the brain cells and implantation failure/resorption or abnormal pregnancy in mice.
3. In the book "The Natural Diet Solutions for PCOS and Infertility" there is a chapter on "Electromagetic Radiation and Your Baby"
It points out to following studies:
i) The Jordan University of Science & Technology reported that adult female rats exposed to magnetic fields had changes in their sex hormones, including imbalances of progesterone, estrogen, FSH (follicle stimulating hormone), and LH (luteinizing hormone). Their ovaries also diminished in size. Interestingly, when the magnetic radiation was removed, the hormones tended to normalize.
ii) Yuzuncu Yil University in Turkey reported that cell phones in proximity to female rats appeared to cause ovarian dysfunction.
iii) Ankara University in Turkey discovered that exposure of female rats to cell phone radiation resulted in oxidant stress. In addition, it's well known that most women with PCOS experience oxidant stress, which is the presence of too many unstable molecules in the body that cause tissue damage.
4. Based on above, I also found a related study:
The presence of antibodies to oxidative modified proteins in serum from polycystic ovary syndrome patients
J. R. Palacio1,, A. Iborra1, Z. Ulcova-Gallova, R. Badia1 andP. MartÃnez1
- This study concludes that oxidative stress may be one of the important causes for abnormal endometrial environment with poor embryo receptivity in PCOS patients.
5. Impact of oxidative stress in aged mouse oocytes on calcium oscillations at fertilization
Toshifumi Takahashi1, Eiji Takahashi, Hideki Igarashi, Naohiro Tezuka andHirohisa Kurachi
-These findings support the idea that Ca2+ oscillations play a key role in the development of fertilized aged oocytes.
6.DNA damage, DNA susceptibility to oxidation and glutathione level in women with polycystic ovary syndrome
Y. Di˙ncer, T. Akcay, T. Erdem, E. Ilker Saygi˙li˙, and S. Gundogdu
- The data indicates that DNA damage and susceptibility of DNA to oxidative stress are increased in women with PCOS and may explain the association between PCOS and ovarian cancer.
A. Cell Phone Radiation to Miscarriage
B. PCOS can cause an increased risk of Miscarriage
C. Microwave radiation causes Oxidaive Stress
D. Oxidative Stress leads to PCOS
If you connect the dots there is enough evidence to show that exposure to magnetic fields is not desirable in terms of managing PCOS, nor is it helpful to your future child if you are pregnant.
Research papers:
1. Lifestyle Risk Factors Associated with Threatened Miscarriage: A Case-Control Study
Tan TC1, Neo GH, Malhotra R, Allen JC, Lie D and Østbye T
- They found a positive association of threatened miscarriage with computer usage (>4 hours/day) and mobile-phone usage (>1 hour/day)

It also mentions that:
"The association between a past history of regular menses and lower risk of threatened miscarriage that we found may simply reflect the association of irregular menstrual cycles with underlying infertility or other conditions such as Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome, which confers an increased risk of miscarriage [28,29]".
28. Tulppala M, Stenman UH, Cacciatore B, Ylikorkala O (1993) Polycystic ovaries and levels of gonadotrophins and androgens in recurrent miscarriage: prospective study in 50 women. Br J Obstet Gynaecol 100: 348-352.
29. Sahu B, Oztutrk O, Serhal P, Jayaprakasan K (2010) Do ovarian reserve tests predict miscarriage in women undergoing assisted reproduction treatment? Eur J Obstet Gynecol Reprod Biol 153: 181-184.
Link: http://omicsgroup.org/journals/lifestyle-risk-factors-associated-with-threatened-miscarriage-a-casecontrol-study-jfiv.1000123.pdf
2. 2.45 GHz Microwave Irradiation-Induced Oxidative Stress Affects Implantation or Pregnancy in Mice, Mus musculus
Saba Shahin, Vineet Prakash Singh, Ritesh K. Shukla, Alok Dhawan, Ravi Kumar Gangwar, Surya Pal Singh, Chandra Mohini Chaturvedi
- The findings conclude that a low level of MW irradiation-induced oxidative stress not only suppresses implantation, but it may also lead to deformity of the embryo in case pregnancy continues. The study also suggest that MW radiation-induced oxidative stress by increasing ROS production in the body may lead to DNA strand breakage in the brain cells and implantation failure/resorption or abnormal pregnancy in mice.
3. In the book "The Natural Diet Solutions for PCOS and Infertility" there is a chapter on "Electromagetic Radiation and Your Baby"
It points out to following studies:
i) The Jordan University of Science & Technology reported that adult female rats exposed to magnetic fields had changes in their sex hormones, including imbalances of progesterone, estrogen, FSH (follicle stimulating hormone), and LH (luteinizing hormone). Their ovaries also diminished in size. Interestingly, when the magnetic radiation was removed, the hormones tended to normalize.
ii) Yuzuncu Yil University in Turkey reported that cell phones in proximity to female rats appeared to cause ovarian dysfunction.
iii) Ankara University in Turkey discovered that exposure of female rats to cell phone radiation resulted in oxidant stress. In addition, it's well known that most women with PCOS experience oxidant stress, which is the presence of too many unstable molecules in the body that cause tissue damage.
4. Based on above, I also found a related study:
The presence of antibodies to oxidative modified proteins in serum from polycystic ovary syndrome patients
J. R. Palacio1,, A. Iborra1, Z. Ulcova-Gallova, R. Badia1 andP. MartÃnez1
- This study concludes that oxidative stress may be one of the important causes for abnormal endometrial environment with poor embryo receptivity in PCOS patients.
5. Impact of oxidative stress in aged mouse oocytes on calcium oscillations at fertilization
Toshifumi Takahashi1, Eiji Takahashi, Hideki Igarashi, Naohiro Tezuka andHirohisa Kurachi
-These findings support the idea that Ca2+ oscillations play a key role in the development of fertilized aged oocytes.
6.DNA damage, DNA susceptibility to oxidation and glutathione level in women with polycystic ovary syndrome
Y. Di˙ncer, T. Akcay, T. Erdem, E. Ilker Saygi˙li˙, and S. Gundogdu
- The data indicates that DNA damage and susceptibility of DNA to oxidative stress are increased in women with PCOS and may explain the association between PCOS and ovarian cancer.
Saturday, September 13, 2014
Tuesday, August 12, 2014
Lost and Found new iPhone – One crazy adventure!
A few weeks ago, I went on a vacation with my newly wed husband, Dhruv to Grand Rapids, Michigan for his US Open Ping Pong match where he was going to play.
This was the first long vacation that we had taken post our wedding and we were looking forward to it. We had taken a flight from San Francisco to Chicago to spend two days at Chicago and were going to drive to Grand Rapids.
Chicago [29th-30th June 2014]
We reached Chicago Airport at midnight and spent the night at our Uncle’s place in Morton Grove, Illinois. Our stay in Chicago was absolutely fabulous. We went to the Sears Tower (now Willis Tower) which was the tallest building in the world at one point of time and took pictures on the 103rd floor, enjoyed the Chicago PAN pizza, took an amazing adventure history trip on our boat ‘The Seadog’ and visited the Millennium Park and posed romantically for pictures near The Bean.
Day 2 got even more adventurous. It was forecasted for a heavy storm in Chicago later in the evening and Dhruv and I planned to go to the Shedd Aquarium in the afternoon and come back to our Aunts place before the storm begins. The Shedd aquarium has about 32,500 animals and 1500 species including fish, marine mammals, birds, snakes, amphibians, and insects. We specifically enjoyed touching stingrays and the obnoxiously attractive jellies.
Around 6:15 pm we got a call from our Aunt and she asked us to leave immediately as the storm had already started at their place and the trains would get cancelled if the weather conditions worsen. We ran from where we were and were lucky to get into the 7:50 pm train as all the later trains were cancelled eventually. We reached our Aunts place in Morton Grove and had a quick dinner. The storm was predicted to pass by 9pm and we left immediately to pick up our rental car and were off on our way to Grand Rapids.
We thought the storm had passed and we started driving only to find that a second storm was yet to come along our way. It was raining hard, the wipers were not helping, roads were not visible, there was a long stretch of the road that was under construction and there were orange plastic pillars all over which we were unable to see because of the weather conditions. At times it would get super windy and the car would wobble while driving. The situation was terrifying but Dhruv and I decided to continue and reach Grand Rapids by night as his match was going to start the next morning at 9am which is precisely for what we had come for. So after a long stretch of what it seemed like a never-ending drive, we reached our hotel in Grand Rapids at 3:30am. We were off to bed in no time and left early for his match.
Grand Rapids, Michigan [1st-5th July 2014]
Day 1-2
The match was at DeVos Place Convention Center in downtown Grand Rapids, Michigan. This was the first time I was seeing hundreds of professional ping pong players with over 100 tables under one roof. The first day was fine. Dhruv won a few matches and lost some.
On the second day, the matches were very close but he lost them in the end and was very disappointed as he felt he could have easily won some of them had he practiced a little more and after his match he just wanted to leave the Center. We decided to rest for a while in our room and then drove to the Grand Haven City Beach which was about 45 miles from where we were staying. The beach was clean, the weather was nice and breezy and the restaurants nearby intrigued us to indulge in some hot chocolate and popcorn. In the evening we drove back to the Center and Dhruv practiced so that he was prepared for the match the next morning.
Day 3 [The day he lost his iPhone]
So the third day when he played, he won the first match in the morning and was relaxed. We were free in the afternoon and Dhruv felt we should take out time from Ping Pong and visit a few more places so that I do not get bored. We went to the Millennium Park in Grand Rapids which was about 7 miles away from the Center. We tried some Yoga near the lake and then ran on the beach. Dhruv and I were really relaxed and he wanted to stay there for some more time however, I pushed him to go to the Centre and practice for sometime in the night. He was definitely not keen to go and he repeated that he did not feel like practicing that day, but being the wife here, I won and convinced him to practice! (not happy about it.. read below)
We reached the Centre at 8:30 pm when there were only a handful of people and Dhruv started practicing with the kids he knew from his league. Dhruv had handed over his car keys, the other racket and few more things as I was sitting next to where he was playing while watching them. Around 8:50 pm, I felt like taking a walk outside at the reception area and took with me whatever stuff he had handed over to me and informed him before leaving. The place was about to close in sometime and I went to the information desk to find out good places to wine and dine as Dhruv and I were in a mood to celebrate today. I got the information ticked on the pamphlets that she handed over to me and was about to finish my conversation with her when Dhruv arrived, all drenched in sweat and asked me for his phone.
I said, “I do not have your phone. You kept it with yourself when you were going to play”. He panicked and replied – “No, I do not have it. I looked all over the court before coming here and it was not there and I thought you had taken it along with you.” We both panicked and rushed to the place where he was playing only to find that it was not there. He then remembered taking it out of his pocket and keeping on the side of the court before he started playing. We checked all over again one more time and could not find. Everyone had left by then except for two people who had come there to clean the place and on asking if they had seen an iPhone they replied they were not aware of it and mentioned that if someone would have found it they would have given it to the registration at “Lost and Found” which was closed by that time. We kept trying to call and every time the phone would ring but no one would pick up. At one point we felt we should not call too much otherwise the battery would go off which would meant if someone walks past it, he wouldn’t come to know.
Disappointed, we came out of the hall to the parking lot and saw our good friend Anol who had also come for the tournament. He had an iPhone as well and he suggested we check it with the ‘Find my iPhone’ app. Since Dhruv had not installed this app on his phone we thought we would not be able to track it however he still tried searching on his phone. It said the phone is not connected to the internet and we were disappointed as Dhruv had a working data plan and either someone had stolen it or we felt we might have lost it at the beach where there was no network. At that time we were not very sure if we even got the phone with us from the beach and felt it might have slipped from his pocket while we were running or practicing yoga. We tried calling one more time and this time the phone did not ring at all which meant the phone was switched off. Now, we felt that either someone had it and has switched off the phone or the battery had died by now.
As a last resort, we decided to drive to the beach and see if we had left it there. By the time we reached there it was all dark and there was no one. The entrance gate was closed however we managed to sneak in through the gate to find our phone. There were a lot of scary sounds of nature and we could hardly see anything. We were horrified and after about 10 minutes of walking we gave up and decided to head back towards our car. We were freaked out and ran towards our car and the phone was the last think on our mind for the next few minutes till we got into the car.
We reached our room around 11 pm and by then all the neighboring restaurants had closed. Dhruv was very sad and in spite of forcing did not agree to order something and eat. After a while, when I was very hungry around 11:45 pm, Dhruv agreed he will take a bite and we ordered pizza from Dominos to fill our stomach. Around 12:10 am in the night, I tried dialing once again and alas! the phone was ringing. We were happy this time and tried to route through our laptop once again. However the next time, it was disconnected again. We felt that someone had taken our phone however were not sure yet. When the pizza arrived, he made me eat and did not even wish to see it and went to sleep.
I was aware that the police can trace a mobile phone through the SIM card as the same is used to trace criminals and called them. The man on the phone said they do not have the facility and hung up.
I felt helpless, I knew my husband was disappointed and I wanted to help and I kept telling him and myself that we ‘will’ get the phone.
Dhruv and I had a very light sleep that night and we kept getting up in between. At 7am in the morning, Dhruv took his laptop as usual to check his emails and news. I was in the shower when Dhruv screamed and asked me to come out immediately.
He had received an email which said -
“Dhruv’s iPhone last seen at Howard Street SE at 9:13pm” pointing at the fifth house in that street. We noticed that we received the email at 9:13 pm which was the time we tried searching his phone through Anol’s phone.
This place was about 3 miles away from Devos place where he was playing. We felt there could be two possibilities:
a) Either someone had taken/stolen the phone and it was in that house (there could be a possibility that this person was playing at Devos and had intentions to return to ‘Lost and Found’ the next day) OR
b) We might have left the phone in Devos place and there was a genuine mistake in satellite tracking, i.e instead of tracking Devos place, it tracked it to a place 3 miles away in Howard Street.
Whatever it was, something kept telling me that if I pursue this further, we will be able to trace our phone. Dhruv was still disappointed and at one point said “let it be, we will buy another one. That meant a loss of $900-$1000 as his phone was on contract and the previous one was billed on the same too.”
Anyway, I tried calling the police once again and said, “Look, we have been able to trace our phone and we want you to come with us as these guys could be professional thieves and carry weapons”.
The lady at the Grand Rapids police station readily agreed and mentioned that the officers will come provided we come with them and talk to the residence of the house ourselves as the police cannot question them since I was the one who had traced it.
Dhruv had his match at 9 am and I asked him to go to the match and leave me at the police station. Dhruv aggressively disagreed and said he will not leave me alone and will come with me. With my wet hair still dripping water, we rushed to the Howard Street. By the time we reached, there were two police vehicles parked in the adjacent street. The area looked shady. There was a man smoking in the patio of the neighboring house looking at us strangely. The policemen asked us to remain in the car and went to the door by themselves. All the windows were covered with curtains and we could not see anything through the glass windows from outside. When the officers rang the bell, no one opened the door for about five minutes which only added further to the mystery. After pressing repeatedly, an elderly African American couple opened the door. The officers went inside to talk to them. We were still outside waiting for them to come out. The man in the neighboring house kept smoking his cigarette while giving us cold stares.
After about 10 minutes the officers came out and said – They were an elderly couple and they could not have taken the phone. They said they only had an old cordless phone at home and another old handset that they hardly use. The officers checked around the house at the backyard from outside to see if they had thrown it outside out of scare but could not find anything.
Looking at the area we felt that they or the neighboring house must be having the phone but we could not do anything.
So we drove to Devos place so that Dhruv could play his match. While he started playing, I went to the ‘Lost and Found’ counter, the reception and the security office only to find that they did not have a phone. At that point of time, it occurred to me that the center must be having spy cameras and on inquiring with the security they said that they do have spy cameras which record continuously. I got a sign of relieve. Even if I did not get the phone, I wanted to know if it had been stolen and if so the person would have definitely been captured in the video.
I requested the security guys to check for me however they said they required permission from the owner or the main office to go back to the footage. They said they will get it done and asked me to leave. After waiting for sometime I went back to them and asked them the status. They said they had left a voice mail to the main office however chances are we may hear back from them on Monday. I said, “What! I am leaving Grand Rapids tomorrow and I need to see it today! Give me your main office or concerned persons number. I will talk to him”. The guy gave me a cold stare. He probably felt I was getting too pushy and wanted to laugh for asking the boss’s number however I did not care. I knew my husband was upset and I could not see him like this. I kept telling myself, you’re close to getting it. Do not stop now! You will find it!
The guy gave me some lame excuse and did not give me the number. I am an Entrepreneur and I know how to get my work done. I was not willing to “wait” just because some security officer was not willing to help me and only wants to laze around on his chair and eat.
Dhruv was losing all his matches and I could see he was very sad and it looked as though he was only playing for the game to get over. I decided to go to Anol and check for his phone through ‘Find my iPhone’ app once again. Since we did get a clue last night I wanted to check it once again. On checking, I was startled. It indicated that the phone was found at the same house in Howard Street at 12:13 am. That was the time I tried calling before having pizza last night which meant the person who had it must have switched it on at night around that time I called and switched it off when I called the next time. I was convinced that it was there but we did not have proof and could not do anything. However, if I had the footage and see who had stolen it, I could probably go back to that house and do something.
We noticed there was an an option to lock the lost phone from Anol’s phone. This time, since we were convinced someone had stolen it, we decided to lock it and it asked us for an option to display a message on the screen. Dhruv had come to me for a few minutes in between the break and we decided to lock the phone and typed the following message to display on the screen:
“We have lost our phone. If you find this iPhone please call us at 650-305-XXXX (my number). The person who finds it will be rewarded $200″ and locked it.
I felt $100 was enough however Dhruv assured that it was nothing and only if we write $200, there could be a possibility for a person who has stolen or find it to call us back.
So once again I went to the reception desk to the lady at the information desk whom I was talking to last night. Both of them said ‘Judy’ is the main person to contact for permission to view footage and if she agrees I could see the footage. So I tried explaining another 5 people at the reception how we lost the phone and how important it was for me to see the recording. Some people laughed however an elderly lady agreed to help me and said she will talk to Judy. I was still running from one place to another trying different ways to get Judy’s number in case the former does not work. After sometime, the same elderly lady came to me and said she spoke to Judy and she is on her way to meet me.
Ahhh! a sign of relief. I was convinced I could get Judy to help me. I told myself, at least now I can go back to the security guy and throw on his face the permission letter from Judy. When Judy came to the reception and we talked, she looked concerned and went with me to the security office. The guy was surprised since I got hold of her before he could and gave me a dirty look as now he was forced to work rather than lazing around on his chair.
Since the Devos hall was very big and there were a lot of cameras to cover that area, Judy asked me to show her the place where he was playing last night so that she can check the footage on the cameras that were covering that area. We went there and she started talking on her phone to the officers. After sometime, she told me that the problem was that the person who knows how to see the video recording of the footage was not in office today and will be coming only on Monday. I was surprised and told myself, “How couldn’t the security guys know how to go back and see the footage. Even a kid who does not know how to operate their systems can figure that out. What are they even employed for! I was not allowed to go to their security room otherwise I was keen to google up and see how to do so. Anyway, Judy promised she will get the recording and mail me the CD on Monday.
I returned to Dhruv. By that time he had lost all his matches and we both sat disappointed on the side chairs. We did not talk for about 15 minutes until I got a call from a person. Since there was a lot of noise, I came out and the person on the phone said, “I have your phone. There is a message of $200 reward”. I said to myself “Wow! He has our phone. Some relief!” However when I asked his name and number he sounded very hesitant. Hesitantly, he gave me his address and contact information. The address was 601 Franklin St, Grand Rapids. On checking, we found this place was just two blocks away from where we went with the police in the morning. I was sure of one thing – something is going in that area and our phone has been in that area since morning.
At 11:18 am, I messaged Anol which said “Got a call. We are at 601 Franklin St. It is near the place where we came in the morning. He said he has our phone. If we do not call back in 15 minutes please call the police”. We did this to be on a safe side, in case there was some malicious activity.
When we reached the place we found it was a Boost mobile store. I called the police once again before entering the store as we were not sure what was going to come next. The police agreed and said they will be there in 5-10 minutes. When it felt safe, Dhruv and I decided to go inside and informed the only guy in the shop that we had got a call. He asked for our ID’s and then gave us our phone. Even though he did not say anything, it looked like he had called for the 200 dollars.
We asked him how did he get out phone and he mentioned that two teenage African American girls about 16-17 years old had come to him to sell the phone and on asking their ID’s they ran away from the door. When he saw the message that was displayed on the screen, he called us. The shops camera could not capture them as they never came inside.
Dhruv decided to give him $50 but I asked him not to swipe his card there as that area looked shady and asked him to give him cash instead. I went to the car and got whatever cash I had. It came to $30 and we handed it over to the person. I kept saying this loud – “The police is going to come and we want to take action against those kids”. He looked reserved and took the $30.
When the police arrived, they spoke to him in private. The policemen came out and Dhruv insisted he would like to take this further as the kids might have tried to break through his work email or something and due to confidential issues however the police now said, “You guys are lucky to have found your phone however now we cannot do anything since they were not captured on the camera”.
Anyway, we were extremely happy and excited to have found our phone . We were proud that we were persistent and in the end did get our phone back. When we checked our phone, we saw a video that was not made by us and was taken at midnight. It was of food and some kids making sound in the background which now confirmed our predictions and joined all the puzzle. The video was taken at night when I had called at midnight. However, now we did not care.
We called up Anol and shared with him the story. When we reached Devos place, we thanked everyone who helped us and shared the details. Everyone seemed happy and congratulated us for having found the phone and said we were lucky to have found it and persistence helped.
I asked Dhruv to treat me that evening for all the running around and we finely went the Wine and Dine restaurant that I had ticked on my list the previous night. We celebrated along with Anol that night and were relaxed and happy. The journey now has become a memorable one for all of us. Not just for the place but now because of the ‘Lost and Found iPhone’.
This post is not about business management, silicon valley or any technical information. It is only a personal story to highlight an important message – As entrepreneurs, the road to success is never a linear line. There are a lot of ups and down, there are moments when you think you are not proceeding any further, people may laugh at what you are doing and your friends & family may not believe in your work and suggest you to move on from what you are doing. However, if you truly believe that there is potential, you need to be persistent and make it happen. Majority of entrepreneurs give up when they are about to cross the struggle barrier and touch success. The ones who are persistent and stick by are the ones who enjoy success.
For example, personally had we not pursued the above further, we would have remembered our first trip as the one when we lost our phone plus the hassle of changing passwords and bank details. However now, we look at it as an adventurous one - where we enjoyed the beach, partied, won and lost at ping pong, made friends with four policemen and tracked back our phones.
This was the first long vacation that we had taken post our wedding and we were looking forward to it. We had taken a flight from San Francisco to Chicago to spend two days at Chicago and were going to drive to Grand Rapids.
Chicago [29th-30th June 2014]
We reached Chicago Airport at midnight and spent the night at our Uncle’s place in Morton Grove, Illinois. Our stay in Chicago was absolutely fabulous. We went to the Sears Tower (now Willis Tower) which was the tallest building in the world at one point of time and took pictures on the 103rd floor, enjoyed the Chicago PAN pizza, took an amazing adventure history trip on our boat ‘The Seadog’ and visited the Millennium Park and posed romantically for pictures near The Bean.
Day 2 got even more adventurous. It was forecasted for a heavy storm in Chicago later in the evening and Dhruv and I planned to go to the Shedd Aquarium in the afternoon and come back to our Aunts place before the storm begins. The Shedd aquarium has about 32,500 animals and 1500 species including fish, marine mammals, birds, snakes, amphibians, and insects. We specifically enjoyed touching stingrays and the obnoxiously attractive jellies.
Around 6:15 pm we got a call from our Aunt and she asked us to leave immediately as the storm had already started at their place and the trains would get cancelled if the weather conditions worsen. We ran from where we were and were lucky to get into the 7:50 pm train as all the later trains were cancelled eventually. We reached our Aunts place in Morton Grove and had a quick dinner. The storm was predicted to pass by 9pm and we left immediately to pick up our rental car and were off on our way to Grand Rapids.
We thought the storm had passed and we started driving only to find that a second storm was yet to come along our way. It was raining hard, the wipers were not helping, roads were not visible, there was a long stretch of the road that was under construction and there were orange plastic pillars all over which we were unable to see because of the weather conditions. At times it would get super windy and the car would wobble while driving. The situation was terrifying but Dhruv and I decided to continue and reach Grand Rapids by night as his match was going to start the next morning at 9am which is precisely for what we had come for. So after a long stretch of what it seemed like a never-ending drive, we reached our hotel in Grand Rapids at 3:30am. We were off to bed in no time and left early for his match.
Grand Rapids, Michigan [1st-5th July 2014]
Day 1-2
The match was at DeVos Place Convention Center in downtown Grand Rapids, Michigan. This was the first time I was seeing hundreds of professional ping pong players with over 100 tables under one roof. The first day was fine. Dhruv won a few matches and lost some.
On the second day, the matches were very close but he lost them in the end and was very disappointed as he felt he could have easily won some of them had he practiced a little more and after his match he just wanted to leave the Center. We decided to rest for a while in our room and then drove to the Grand Haven City Beach which was about 45 miles from where we were staying. The beach was clean, the weather was nice and breezy and the restaurants nearby intrigued us to indulge in some hot chocolate and popcorn. In the evening we drove back to the Center and Dhruv practiced so that he was prepared for the match the next morning.
Day 3 [The day he lost his iPhone]
So the third day when he played, he won the first match in the morning and was relaxed. We were free in the afternoon and Dhruv felt we should take out time from Ping Pong and visit a few more places so that I do not get bored. We went to the Millennium Park in Grand Rapids which was about 7 miles away from the Center. We tried some Yoga near the lake and then ran on the beach. Dhruv and I were really relaxed and he wanted to stay there for some more time however, I pushed him to go to the Centre and practice for sometime in the night. He was definitely not keen to go and he repeated that he did not feel like practicing that day, but being the wife here, I won and convinced him to practice! (not happy about it.. read below)
We reached the Centre at 8:30 pm when there were only a handful of people and Dhruv started practicing with the kids he knew from his league. Dhruv had handed over his car keys, the other racket and few more things as I was sitting next to where he was playing while watching them. Around 8:50 pm, I felt like taking a walk outside at the reception area and took with me whatever stuff he had handed over to me and informed him before leaving. The place was about to close in sometime and I went to the information desk to find out good places to wine and dine as Dhruv and I were in a mood to celebrate today. I got the information ticked on the pamphlets that she handed over to me and was about to finish my conversation with her when Dhruv arrived, all drenched in sweat and asked me for his phone.
I said, “I do not have your phone. You kept it with yourself when you were going to play”. He panicked and replied – “No, I do not have it. I looked all over the court before coming here and it was not there and I thought you had taken it along with you.” We both panicked and rushed to the place where he was playing only to find that it was not there. He then remembered taking it out of his pocket and keeping on the side of the court before he started playing. We checked all over again one more time and could not find. Everyone had left by then except for two people who had come there to clean the place and on asking if they had seen an iPhone they replied they were not aware of it and mentioned that if someone would have found it they would have given it to the registration at “Lost and Found” which was closed by that time. We kept trying to call and every time the phone would ring but no one would pick up. At one point we felt we should not call too much otherwise the battery would go off which would meant if someone walks past it, he wouldn’t come to know.
Disappointed, we came out of the hall to the parking lot and saw our good friend Anol who had also come for the tournament. He had an iPhone as well and he suggested we check it with the ‘Find my iPhone’ app. Since Dhruv had not installed this app on his phone we thought we would not be able to track it however he still tried searching on his phone. It said the phone is not connected to the internet and we were disappointed as Dhruv had a working data plan and either someone had stolen it or we felt we might have lost it at the beach where there was no network. At that time we were not very sure if we even got the phone with us from the beach and felt it might have slipped from his pocket while we were running or practicing yoga. We tried calling one more time and this time the phone did not ring at all which meant the phone was switched off. Now, we felt that either someone had it and has switched off the phone or the battery had died by now.
As a last resort, we decided to drive to the beach and see if we had left it there. By the time we reached there it was all dark and there was no one. The entrance gate was closed however we managed to sneak in through the gate to find our phone. There were a lot of scary sounds of nature and we could hardly see anything. We were horrified and after about 10 minutes of walking we gave up and decided to head back towards our car. We were freaked out and ran towards our car and the phone was the last think on our mind for the next few minutes till we got into the car.
We reached our room around 11 pm and by then all the neighboring restaurants had closed. Dhruv was very sad and in spite of forcing did not agree to order something and eat. After a while, when I was very hungry around 11:45 pm, Dhruv agreed he will take a bite and we ordered pizza from Dominos to fill our stomach. Around 12:10 am in the night, I tried dialing once again and alas! the phone was ringing. We were happy this time and tried to route through our laptop once again. However the next time, it was disconnected again. We felt that someone had taken our phone however were not sure yet. When the pizza arrived, he made me eat and did not even wish to see it and went to sleep.
I was aware that the police can trace a mobile phone through the SIM card as the same is used to trace criminals and called them. The man on the phone said they do not have the facility and hung up.
I felt helpless, I knew my husband was disappointed and I wanted to help and I kept telling him and myself that we ‘will’ get the phone.
Dhruv and I had a very light sleep that night and we kept getting up in between. At 7am in the morning, Dhruv took his laptop as usual to check his emails and news. I was in the shower when Dhruv screamed and asked me to come out immediately.
He had received an email which said -
“Dhruv’s iPhone last seen at Howard Street SE at 9:13pm” pointing at the fifth house in that street. We noticed that we received the email at 9:13 pm which was the time we tried searching his phone through Anol’s phone.
This place was about 3 miles away from Devos place where he was playing. We felt there could be two possibilities:
a) Either someone had taken/stolen the phone and it was in that house (there could be a possibility that this person was playing at Devos and had intentions to return to ‘Lost and Found’ the next day) OR
b) We might have left the phone in Devos place and there was a genuine mistake in satellite tracking, i.e instead of tracking Devos place, it tracked it to a place 3 miles away in Howard Street.
Whatever it was, something kept telling me that if I pursue this further, we will be able to trace our phone. Dhruv was still disappointed and at one point said “let it be, we will buy another one. That meant a loss of $900-$1000 as his phone was on contract and the previous one was billed on the same too.”
Anyway, I tried calling the police once again and said, “Look, we have been able to trace our phone and we want you to come with us as these guys could be professional thieves and carry weapons”.
The lady at the Grand Rapids police station readily agreed and mentioned that the officers will come provided we come with them and talk to the residence of the house ourselves as the police cannot question them since I was the one who had traced it.
Dhruv had his match at 9 am and I asked him to go to the match and leave me at the police station. Dhruv aggressively disagreed and said he will not leave me alone and will come with me. With my wet hair still dripping water, we rushed to the Howard Street. By the time we reached, there were two police vehicles parked in the adjacent street. The area looked shady. There was a man smoking in the patio of the neighboring house looking at us strangely. The policemen asked us to remain in the car and went to the door by themselves. All the windows were covered with curtains and we could not see anything through the glass windows from outside. When the officers rang the bell, no one opened the door for about five minutes which only added further to the mystery. After pressing repeatedly, an elderly African American couple opened the door. The officers went inside to talk to them. We were still outside waiting for them to come out. The man in the neighboring house kept smoking his cigarette while giving us cold stares.
After about 10 minutes the officers came out and said – They were an elderly couple and they could not have taken the phone. They said they only had an old cordless phone at home and another old handset that they hardly use. The officers checked around the house at the backyard from outside to see if they had thrown it outside out of scare but could not find anything.
Looking at the area we felt that they or the neighboring house must be having the phone but we could not do anything.
So we drove to Devos place so that Dhruv could play his match. While he started playing, I went to the ‘Lost and Found’ counter, the reception and the security office only to find that they did not have a phone. At that point of time, it occurred to me that the center must be having spy cameras and on inquiring with the security they said that they do have spy cameras which record continuously. I got a sign of relieve. Even if I did not get the phone, I wanted to know if it had been stolen and if so the person would have definitely been captured in the video.
I requested the security guys to check for me however they said they required permission from the owner or the main office to go back to the footage. They said they will get it done and asked me to leave. After waiting for sometime I went back to them and asked them the status. They said they had left a voice mail to the main office however chances are we may hear back from them on Monday. I said, “What! I am leaving Grand Rapids tomorrow and I need to see it today! Give me your main office or concerned persons number. I will talk to him”. The guy gave me a cold stare. He probably felt I was getting too pushy and wanted to laugh for asking the boss’s number however I did not care. I knew my husband was upset and I could not see him like this. I kept telling myself, you’re close to getting it. Do not stop now! You will find it!
The guy gave me some lame excuse and did not give me the number. I am an Entrepreneur and I know how to get my work done. I was not willing to “wait” just because some security officer was not willing to help me and only wants to laze around on his chair and eat.
Dhruv was losing all his matches and I could see he was very sad and it looked as though he was only playing for the game to get over. I decided to go to Anol and check for his phone through ‘Find my iPhone’ app once again. Since we did get a clue last night I wanted to check it once again. On checking, I was startled. It indicated that the phone was found at the same house in Howard Street at 12:13 am. That was the time I tried calling before having pizza last night which meant the person who had it must have switched it on at night around that time I called and switched it off when I called the next time. I was convinced that it was there but we did not have proof and could not do anything. However, if I had the footage and see who had stolen it, I could probably go back to that house and do something.
We noticed there was an an option to lock the lost phone from Anol’s phone. This time, since we were convinced someone had stolen it, we decided to lock it and it asked us for an option to display a message on the screen. Dhruv had come to me for a few minutes in between the break and we decided to lock the phone and typed the following message to display on the screen:
“We have lost our phone. If you find this iPhone please call us at 650-305-XXXX (my number). The person who finds it will be rewarded $200″ and locked it.
I felt $100 was enough however Dhruv assured that it was nothing and only if we write $200, there could be a possibility for a person who has stolen or find it to call us back.
So once again I went to the reception desk to the lady at the information desk whom I was talking to last night. Both of them said ‘Judy’ is the main person to contact for permission to view footage and if she agrees I could see the footage. So I tried explaining another 5 people at the reception how we lost the phone and how important it was for me to see the recording. Some people laughed however an elderly lady agreed to help me and said she will talk to Judy. I was still running from one place to another trying different ways to get Judy’s number in case the former does not work. After sometime, the same elderly lady came to me and said she spoke to Judy and she is on her way to meet me.
Ahhh! a sign of relief. I was convinced I could get Judy to help me. I told myself, at least now I can go back to the security guy and throw on his face the permission letter from Judy. When Judy came to the reception and we talked, she looked concerned and went with me to the security office. The guy was surprised since I got hold of her before he could and gave me a dirty look as now he was forced to work rather than lazing around on his chair.
Since the Devos hall was very big and there were a lot of cameras to cover that area, Judy asked me to show her the place where he was playing last night so that she can check the footage on the cameras that were covering that area. We went there and she started talking on her phone to the officers. After sometime, she told me that the problem was that the person who knows how to see the video recording of the footage was not in office today and will be coming only on Monday. I was surprised and told myself, “How couldn’t the security guys know how to go back and see the footage. Even a kid who does not know how to operate their systems can figure that out. What are they even employed for! I was not allowed to go to their security room otherwise I was keen to google up and see how to do so. Anyway, Judy promised she will get the recording and mail me the CD on Monday.
I returned to Dhruv. By that time he had lost all his matches and we both sat disappointed on the side chairs. We did not talk for about 15 minutes until I got a call from a person. Since there was a lot of noise, I came out and the person on the phone said, “I have your phone. There is a message of $200 reward”. I said to myself “Wow! He has our phone. Some relief!” However when I asked his name and number he sounded very hesitant. Hesitantly, he gave me his address and contact information. The address was 601 Franklin St, Grand Rapids. On checking, we found this place was just two blocks away from where we went with the police in the morning. I was sure of one thing – something is going in that area and our phone has been in that area since morning.
At 11:18 am, I messaged Anol which said “Got a call. We are at 601 Franklin St. It is near the place where we came in the morning. He said he has our phone. If we do not call back in 15 minutes please call the police”. We did this to be on a safe side, in case there was some malicious activity.
When we reached the place we found it was a Boost mobile store. I called the police once again before entering the store as we were not sure what was going to come next. The police agreed and said they will be there in 5-10 minutes. When it felt safe, Dhruv and I decided to go inside and informed the only guy in the shop that we had got a call. He asked for our ID’s and then gave us our phone. Even though he did not say anything, it looked like he had called for the 200 dollars.
We asked him how did he get out phone and he mentioned that two teenage African American girls about 16-17 years old had come to him to sell the phone and on asking their ID’s they ran away from the door. When he saw the message that was displayed on the screen, he called us. The shops camera could not capture them as they never came inside.
Dhruv decided to give him $50 but I asked him not to swipe his card there as that area looked shady and asked him to give him cash instead. I went to the car and got whatever cash I had. It came to $30 and we handed it over to the person. I kept saying this loud – “The police is going to come and we want to take action against those kids”. He looked reserved and took the $30.
When the police arrived, they spoke to him in private. The policemen came out and Dhruv insisted he would like to take this further as the kids might have tried to break through his work email or something and due to confidential issues however the police now said, “You guys are lucky to have found your phone however now we cannot do anything since they were not captured on the camera”.
Anyway, we were extremely happy and excited to have found our phone . We were proud that we were persistent and in the end did get our phone back. When we checked our phone, we saw a video that was not made by us and was taken at midnight. It was of food and some kids making sound in the background which now confirmed our predictions and joined all the puzzle. The video was taken at night when I had called at midnight. However, now we did not care.
We called up Anol and shared with him the story. When we reached Devos place, we thanked everyone who helped us and shared the details. Everyone seemed happy and congratulated us for having found the phone and said we were lucky to have found it and persistence helped.
I asked Dhruv to treat me that evening for all the running around and we finely went the Wine and Dine restaurant that I had ticked on my list the previous night. We celebrated along with Anol that night and were relaxed and happy. The journey now has become a memorable one for all of us. Not just for the place but now because of the ‘Lost and Found iPhone’.
This post is not about business management, silicon valley or any technical information. It is only a personal story to highlight an important message – As entrepreneurs, the road to success is never a linear line. There are a lot of ups and down, there are moments when you think you are not proceeding any further, people may laugh at what you are doing and your friends & family may not believe in your work and suggest you to move on from what you are doing. However, if you truly believe that there is potential, you need to be persistent and make it happen. Majority of entrepreneurs give up when they are about to cross the struggle barrier and touch success. The ones who are persistent and stick by are the ones who enjoy success.
For example, personally had we not pursued the above further, we would have remembered our first trip as the one when we lost our phone plus the hassle of changing passwords and bank details. However now, we look at it as an adventurous one - where we enjoyed the beach, partied, won and lost at ping pong, made friends with four policemen and tracked back our phones.
Tuesday, August 5, 2014
Apple Co-Founder & Virgin Mobile Founder are NOT pro cell phone next to the head.
A video by Kevin Kunze from San Francisco where Apple Co-Founder Steve Woznaik & Virgin Mobile Founder Richard Brandson advice not to use cell phone next to the head. It also highlights why the President of the United States Barack Obama is not doing anything against the cell phone industry!
cell phone,
cell tower,
Mobile Phone Tower Radiation Hazards and Solutions
There are about 7 billion mobile phone users worldwide and 5+ million mobile towers to support those phones and meet the communication demand.
Hundreds of people live close to these towers and several people are being bombarded with this invisible dangerous radiation often without their knowledge.
Prolonged exposure to radiation from cell phones and towers is causing health problems like - sleep disturbance, headaches, concentration problems and skin irritation. Severe problems include miscarriages, infertility, irregular heart beat and even cancer.
Sweden, which was one of the first countries where the mobile technology was in use is now host to a list of problems and today 1/30th i.e, 300,000 out of a total population of 9 million in 20 years of exposure is Electro Hyper Sensitive (EHS), i.e are sensitive to radiation and are not able to stay in a high radiation environment for too long. The Swedish government recognized this as a problem and provides compensation to their people.
The World Health Organization (WHO) has designated Cell Phone and Cell Tower Radiation as a possible human carcinogen on 31st May 2011. Even mobile phone use manuals worn users to keep their phones away from the body and talk on phone for limited time.
The cell phone industry is a trillion dollar industry. It is a similar case as the tobacco industry. However, this time it is an invisible danger and affecting an even bigger number of people!
At the end of the presentation, there are precautionary suggestions for safer use of mobile phones.
For further reading with references to scientific publications, please visit - http://www.scribd.com/doc/44736879
Check this video - Mobilze: http://youtu.be/eSJ7hQ4QgxY - A documentary on cell phone radiation and the long-term health effects on the brain and body. A video where Apple Co-Founder Steve Woznaik & Virgin Mobile Founder Richard Brandson advice not to use cell phone next to the head.
Hundreds of people live close to these towers and several people are being bombarded with this invisible dangerous radiation often without their knowledge.
Prolonged exposure to radiation from cell phones and towers is causing health problems like - sleep disturbance, headaches, concentration problems and skin irritation. Severe problems include miscarriages, infertility, irregular heart beat and even cancer.
Sweden, which was one of the first countries where the mobile technology was in use is now host to a list of problems and today 1/30th i.e, 300,000 out of a total population of 9 million in 20 years of exposure is Electro Hyper Sensitive (EHS), i.e are sensitive to radiation and are not able to stay in a high radiation environment for too long. The Swedish government recognized this as a problem and provides compensation to their people.
The World Health Organization (WHO) has designated Cell Phone and Cell Tower Radiation as a possible human carcinogen on 31st May 2011. Even mobile phone use manuals worn users to keep their phones away from the body and talk on phone for limited time.
The cell phone industry is a trillion dollar industry. It is a similar case as the tobacco industry. However, this time it is an invisible danger and affecting an even bigger number of people!
At the end of the presentation, there are precautionary suggestions for safer use of mobile phones.
For further reading with references to scientific publications, please visit - http://www.scribd.com/doc/44736879
Check this video - Mobilze: http://youtu.be/eSJ7hQ4QgxY - A documentary on cell phone radiation and the long-term health effects on the brain and body. A video where Apple Co-Founder Steve Woznaik & Virgin Mobile Founder Richard Brandson advice not to use cell phone next to the head.
cell phone,
cell tower,
mobile tower,
Wednesday, July 16, 2014
Prof. Girish Kumar's 3rd Newsletter on Cell Tower Radiation Hazards and Solutions: Apr-Jun 2014
Prof. Girish Kumar's 3rd Newsletter brings forward a lot of hidden facts that the Cell Industry has been trying to hide. Facts that as users everyone must be aware about.
# Comments on book - "Mobile Phones and Public Health - Myth and Reality",
# Effects of cell phone/tower radiation on:
- DNA damage leading to cancer
- Infertility
- Hearing loss
- Vision impairments, etc.
# WHO's latest comments on cell towers
# Wi-Fi ban in schools in many countries
# Recommendations for more stringent classification of cell phone/tower radiation as a carcinogen.
# Comments on book - "Mobile Phones and Public Health - Myth and Reality",
# Effects of cell phone/tower radiation on:
- DNA damage leading to cancer
- Infertility
- Hearing loss
- Vision impairments, etc.
# WHO's latest comments on cell towers
# Wi-Fi ban in schools in many countries
# Recommendations for more stringent classification of cell phone/tower radiation as a carcinogen.
Sunday, June 8, 2014
Comments on "DOT Report for Allahabad HC" on EMF Radiation and Health - by Prof. Girish Kumar
Prof. Girish Kumar's good work on Cell Phone and Cell Tower Radiation Hazards is being sidelined by telecom representatives and the facts are being twisted.
In this report Prof. Girish Kumar has summarized his comments in blue colour.
Prof. Girish Kumar's comments ON Report of the Committee Constituted as per direction of Hon’ble High Court Allahabad, Lucknow Bench in its order dated 10.01.2012 in writ petition No. 11275 (M/B) of 2010
In this report Prof. Girish Kumar has summarized his comments in blue colour.
Prof. Girish Kumar's comments ON Report of the Committee Constituted as per direction of Hon’ble High Court Allahabad, Lucknow Bench in its order dated 10.01.2012 in writ petition No. 11275 (M/B) of 2010
Comments on "DOT Report for Allahabad HC" on EMF Radiation and Health - by Prof. Girish Kumar by Neha Kumar
- Prof. Girish Kumar' calculations are twisted by the commitee and presented wrongly.
- They have forcefully written "Prof. (Dr.) Girish Kumar has agreed that all these factors have not been considered in the calculations given by him".
> However the truth is - He did not agree with the committee but they chose to write for the reason best known to them.
- They have mentioned "currently there is no CONCLUSIVE scientific evidence which establishes that EMF has harmful non-thermal effects".
> However Prof. Kumar has repeated presented the BIO-INITIATIVE report 2012 which has given references of 3800 scientific research papers but committee chose to ignore all the time due to reasons best known to them.
- They have mentioned "so far, no conclusive evidence on adverse health effects by EMF radiation from mobile handset has been found internationally by World Health Organization (WHO)."
> No conclusive evidence does not mean no evidence. WHO accepted cell phone as possibly Carcinogen in 2011, where as earlier they had not classified as Class 2B. The reason is that radiation hazards are cumulative in nature and as usage is increasing with time, larger number of people are reporting health hazards.
- They have mentioned "In order to implement the EMF radiation norms, DoT has prescribed a procedure to be followed by the telecom service providers. To oversee the implementation, DoT through its 34 field units, known as TERM units, takes self-certificates for compliance of EMF norms by the operators and conducts regular audit of the EMF radiation exposure from the mobile towers as per the prescribed procedure".
> Self certification is not good. Also, audit of only 10% of sites is done
- They have forcefully written "Prof. (Dr.) Girish Kumar has agreed that all these factors have not been considered in the calculations given by him".
> However the truth is - He did not agree with the committee but they chose to write for the reason best known to them.
- They have mentioned "currently there is no CONCLUSIVE scientific evidence which establishes that EMF has harmful non-thermal effects".
> However Prof. Kumar has repeated presented the BIO-INITIATIVE report 2012 which has given references of 3800 scientific research papers but committee chose to ignore all the time due to reasons best known to them.
- They have mentioned "so far, no conclusive evidence on adverse health effects by EMF radiation from mobile handset has been found internationally by World Health Organization (WHO)."
> No conclusive evidence does not mean no evidence. WHO accepted cell phone as possibly Carcinogen in 2011, where as earlier they had not classified as Class 2B. The reason is that radiation hazards are cumulative in nature and as usage is increasing with time, larger number of people are reporting health hazards.
- They have mentioned "In order to implement the EMF radiation norms, DoT has prescribed a procedure to be followed by the telecom service providers. To oversee the implementation, DoT through its 34 field units, known as TERM units, takes self-certificates for compliance of EMF norms by the operators and conducts regular audit of the EMF radiation exposure from the mobile towers as per the prescribed procedure".
> Self certification is not good. Also, audit of only 10% of sites is done
Neha Kumar's story - Director of "NESA Radiation Solutions" in Chitralekha Magazine May 2014 issue
Article in Chitralekha on Neha Kumar Director of Nesa Radiation Solutions Pvt. Ltd on 9th May 2013 in Chitralekha Magazine (Gujarati)
[English translation below]
Name: Neha Kumar
Age: 26
Occupation: Director, Nesa Radiation Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
1. Your background
Ø Born & brought up whr?
> I was born in USA and have been brought up in Mumbai.
Ø Parents names
> Father – Prof. Girish Kumar, IIT Bombay,
Mother – Mrs. Neerja Kumar
Ø Any siblings
> Younger Brother - Saagar Kumar
Ø School & college names
> School – K.V, IIT Bombay
College – Anna University, Chennai (B.Tech, Industrial Biotechnology)
2. Any childhood memories where you can recollect with your at present work
Right from school I wanted to have a business venture of my own in the field of Biotechnology. When I was in Chennai for my bachelors programme, many of my classmates felt going to the US was the only way to excel in life. It was at that time that I had decided to be in India and do something different from the rest while staying in India. I wanted to prove that if one has the determination to do something, with perseverance and dedication, you can achieve what you want regardless of the place and circumstances.
3. Qualification - B.Tech, Industrial Biotechnology from Anna University, Chennai
Ø Any extra curricular activities during those days
> I used to practice dance, painting, karate, singing, yoga when I was in school and have participated in various activities however in college I decided to stay more focused on academics. On every vacation, I used to come to Mumbai and take up laboratory projects and attend Entrepreneurship events at IIT Bombay.
Ø If Any major Turning point
> My father Girish Kumar is a Professor in the Electrical Engg. Department at IIT Bombay and has been in the field of Antennas and Microwaves for about 30+ years. In 2001 when he was writing his book, he started developing health problems like swelling in fingers and legs, sudden anger which was contradictory to the cool headed person personality he is. He visited several doctors and after a month found out that he was sensitive to Electromagnetic Radiation from antennas that he was surrounded with all the time at work. He started researching on this and in 2009 after completing my graduation he asked me to research on Biological effects of Electromagnetic Radiation. After going through hundreds of research papers and interacting with several researchers, doctors, patients in India and abroad I found that there were significant health problems from high cell tower radiation on health.
Ø Job experience
>After graduation I joined my father’s IIT Bombay incubated company – Wilcom Technologies Pvt. Ltd.
4. NESA–When & how Its started (Process)
> I had shared several articles and papers on biological effects of Cell Tower Radiation online and made them avaible for readers. People having health problems and living close to mobile towers read them and started contacting us for details and wanted us to measure the radiation levels in their house/office. On measuring the radiation levels, we found a strong correlation between high radiation levels with health problems ranging from mild to severe problems like headache, sleep disturbance, concentration problems to cases of miscarriage, infertility and cancer at levels much below the government guidelines.
People started asking us to develop a solution to the problem and we started working on that front. We also developed a simple, effective and low-cost radiation monitor which we named DETEX 189 to enable people to check levels from health point of view. With more awareness we could motivate the Government of India to bring down the radiation level to 450 from 4500 milliWatt (mW) per square meter. However, this is still way above the safe level of 0.1 milliWatt (mW) per square meter.
Ø What are the different types of issues you come across?
Initially people were not aware of the harmful effects of cell tower radiation and it was difficult to convince people as there were fewer cases in 2009-10. We gave several talks in schools, hospitals, Rotary clubs etc to create awareness about the hazards.
In the past few years there have been several cases of severe health problems among people living close to mobile phone towers and people are more convinced after going through several studies that are available from India and abroad.
Telecom companies however continue to deny the fact that excess cell tower radiation can effect health of humans, birds and animals significantly over a period of few years which confuses common people.
Ø How many products you have? You yourself designs?
Cell Tower Radiation Detector – DETEX 189 – For quick and easy measurement of radiation from cell phone towers, Wi-Fi, cordless etc.
Shielding Solution - Areas where radiation levels are high, one or more of the following solutions can be used to reduce levels:
• Shielding Window Film,
• Shielding Curtains
• Shielding Wall Paper
• Shielding Pregnancy apron and several other products are in R&D phase
Ø What kind of team size you have?
> We have about 25+ people in our company.
Ø Clients so far? Bldgs or individuals more?
> We have carried out radiation measurement and shielding solution for several people in India. Some of the known people are:
CELEBRITIES - Juhi Chawla, Ekta Kapoor, Natasha Poonawalla, Kunal Ganjawalla, Minister Praful Patil, Ajit Kumar Barjatya, Babita Kapoor, Kumar Mangalam Birla etc.
COMPANIES - Aamir Khan Productions Pvt. Ltd., All Cargo Logistics Limited., Cipla Ltd., Hindustan Times Media Ltd., Piramal Enterprises, Raheja Universal, Viacom 18 etc.
Ø People around you – People are very happy with our innovative radiation measurement and shielding products. Our Cell Tower Radiation Detector – Detex 189 which costs Rs 4950 is efficient, easy to use and economical and has made it easy for even common people to carry out cell tower radiation in their house and office themselves. Several people who have used our products have felt an improvement in their health after implementing the solutions.
Ø Family – My family has been very cooperative and encourage me work for the welfare of people.
6. What is the USP of NESA?
Nesa Radiation Solutios Pvt. Ltd. USP – Live Radiation Free
7. Any competitions? new challenges ?
There are a few companies abroad which have developed shielding solution which are based on reflective technology. We have an advantage over it as we use absorptive technology which minimizes risk of resonance. Our products can cut down radiation by 95-99% and the same can be easily demonstrated after installation.
8. Future plans
> We have our branch in Mumbai currently and have got enquires from several other cities and states throughout India. Our team from Mumbai has been visiting few cities for solution however a physical distribution chain is to be established and we are working on the same.
> To become a leading entrepreneur and motivate/inspire other women and youngsters to take up entrepreneurship.
10. Your personal life (likes/dislikes/hobbies etc.)
> I am a trained classical Kathak dancer for 8 years and I enjoy dancing and going for long brisk walks. Along with that, I enjoy watching movies and practice yoga. Occasionally I like to paint also.
Company Corporate Address:
Nesa Radiation Solutions Pvt. Ltd., 2nd Floor, Plot No. 31, Sector 19C, Vashi, Navi Mumbai 400 705, Tel: (022) 41241800 / +91 9619378318, Website - www.nesa.co.in
Juhi Chawla's on safe use of cell phone
Friday, January 17, 2014
Femina Campaign: Protect yourself from Cell Tower Radiation
Coverage in Femina Magazine: January 2014 Edition - \
Femina Campaign: Protect yourself from Cell Tower Radiation
To most of us, cellphone tower radiation is just another of those big problems that we're powerless againt. But to Neha Kumar, this is a clear and present danger, and her inventions can protec you from that.
Wednesday, January 15, 2014
People of Mahesh Nagar area got together to oppose the mobile tower to be erected near another big one in the area. Though Municipal Corporation had given a No Objection Certificate to the Mobile tower company but it had to face the ire of people. People gave reference of court orders to the CEO of Municipal Corporation and who later cancelled the NOC of the company.
Link: http://www.mediaactiongroup.in/jaipur-mobile-tower-radiation-unity-of-people-banishes-the-mobile-tower-from-mahesh-nagar/
Residents of Gandhi Kutir Colony in sector 26 of Pratap Nagar, Jaipur protest the erection of mobile tower in the colony. The residents of this colony have been protesting against the mobile tower of a company on the terrace of a house for past three days. After the public protests erected tower was not started.
Link: http://www.mediaactiongroup.in/jaipur-mobile-tower-radiation-residents-protest-mobile-tower/
Residents of Malviya Nagar,
Sector 10 in Jaipur are opposing construction of mobile tower in their
neighborhood. They are protesting that there is no connectivity problem of
mobile phones in the area hence there is no need for a new mobile tower. They
have lodged a complaint against it with Zonal Municipality and the police.
Link: http://www.mediaactiongroup.in/jaipur-mobile-tower-radiation-residents-oppose-construction-of-mobile-tower
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